The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art
(Pineapple Press/Rowman & Littlefield, 2024)
Journalist. Author. Editor
Sandra Gurvis is the author of 18 books and hundreds of magazine articles, web content, and corporate materials on topics ranging from general medical to business to travel to profiles/biographies.
- Certified as medical writer/editor by the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA)
- Fellowships and grants from the National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM), Vermont Studio Center, LBJ Presidential Library and others
- “Careers for Nonconformists” Selected by the Quality Paperback Book Club
- Lifelong member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA)
WRITER. A wordsmith who applies said butt to chair and meets all deadlines. A meticulous researcher who uncovers the facts. A creative individual who handles
topics with ingenuity and flair.
SYNONYM. Sandra Gurvis.
Sandra is the author of 18 commercially published books, including two novels, THE PIPE DREAMERS and COUNTRY CLUB WIVES. Recent nonfiction titles include 111 PLACES IN COLUMBUS THAT YOU MUST NOT MISS (Emons) and MYTHS AND MYSTERIES OF OHIO (Globe Pequot).
THREE RINGLING CIRCUS: A HISTORY OF SARASOTA, FLORIDA AND THE FAMOUS RINGLING BROTHERS is forthcoming from Pineapple Press/Rowman & Littlefield in 2024! Sandra is also working on DOING HARD TIME IN GEEZERVILLE, the first of a trio of novels-in-progress about The Villages, Florida.
Currently Available titles
Articles and Web Content

Sandra has written corporate profiles and technical articles for clients such as Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Ohio Health, Merrill Lynch, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).
Speeches and Workshops

Sandra has given dozens of presentations on writing and her books at libraries, colleges, writers’ conferences/festivals and other groups. She has also been a guest on podcasts, radio and TV shows including “Good Morning America,” “CBS Up to the Minute,” “ABC World News Tonight;” her books have been featured in blogs, magazines and newspapers, such as USA Today.
Sandra’s Blog
Sandra is the author of 18 commercially published nonfiction books/novels and hundreds of magazine articles. A freelance writer for over 30 years, she has written corporate profiles, technical articles and curated and created web content. Along with her recently-released 111 PLACES IN COLUMBUS THAT YOU MUST NOT MISS, her newest book, THREE RINGLING CIRCUS: A HISTORY OF SARASOTA, FLORIDA AND THE FAMOUS RINGLING BROTHERS will be published by Pineapple/Rowman & Littlefield in early 2024. She is currently working on DOING HARD TIME IN GEEZERVILLE, the first of a three-part satire set in The Villages, Florida.
Coming in January 2024! Three Ringling Circus: A History of Sarasota, Florida and the Famous Ringling Brothers.
There is Florida…and there is Sarasota. Residents and travelers alike are drawn to this jewel of a city, not only in terms of its proportionally massive amounts of arts and culture (one word: Ringling, but others as well) but its architecture, politics, shopping and aura of South/not South, an almost Midwestern friendliness but without the inclement weather (hurricanes being the notable exception). But Sarasota would not be what it is today without the influence of the Ringling family, particularly John Ringling and his wife Mable.

From the time John and Mable first set foot in Sarasota in 1911, bringing his brother Charles and Charles’ wife Edith as well as other family members, he was determined to put the area on the map, turning Sarasota into a luxury destination to rival Florida’s east coast. While things didn’t always turn out as planned, especially during periods of financial and personal difficulties, many of John’s visions did come to fruition, including the museums, collections, gardens and grounds that encompassed his palatial home, Ca’ d’Zan.
Focusing on two main “characters,” John Ringling and his family, and the city of Sarasota, THREE RINGLING CIRCUS is divided into three sections: The history of Sarasota, the story of the Ringlings and the Ringling effect on the city. The book covers everything from the early days of the natives, Blacks and settlers to the origins of the Ringling family and ahead-of-their-time ways of developing their circus to the massive amounts of finagling that went into the creation of the Art Museum and Ca d’Zan. The book bears witness to the Ringlings’ fabulous lifestyle, their behind-the-scenes heartbreak and triumph and often Machiavellian grab for wealth and power.
With this book, author Sandra Gurvis works towards bringing a fresh approach and perspective to the history of Sarasota, John Ringling and his brothers as well as The Ringling itself. More information and purchase on Amazon.
Check out these interviews from “A Bookish Moment” podcast and Bookstore1 Sarasota.